Home Sleep Testing

Home Sleep Testing is often required by insurance companies to screen for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) for high pre-test probability adult patients before approving a formal full polysomnogram or sleep study in the out-patient laboratory.
This means that the patient has a very high likelihood of having OSA based on the clinical assessment and physical exam. We offer two contiguous nights of screening where most hospital-based labs offer only one. We do this to ensure we get adequate data for review. Many companies that provide home sleep testing will contract out their scoring and interpretation of the sleep study meaning that the company has no quality control.
At The Perry Center, Dr. Perry personally scores each home sleep study as well as provides the interpretation. She also does not sell CPAP machines which would be considered a conflict of interest.
Home sleep studies are available for children down to age 13. (We can provide further information explaining why we think this service is desperately needed and appropriate.) We would encourage any parent interested in learning more to read our document on Pediatric Home Sleep Studies.
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Home Sleep Studies
Home Sleep testing is often required by insurance companies to screen for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). We offer two contiguous nights of screening where most hospital-based labs offer only one. We do this to ensure we get adequate data for review. learn more
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